Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Integrating ActiveMQ with JBoss AS

1. extract ActiveMQ.rar in deployment folder of JBoss
2. edit META-INF/ra.xml  (set connector proocol (tcp or jvm), and config file (brocker-config.xml))

3. edit brocker-config.xml (add brockerName attribute, set persistance dataDir, set transport connector name attribute)
4. configure JBoss to start ActiveMQ on startup (add activmq-ds.xml to deployment directory of JBoss)
for details see:



Tuesday, February 16, 2010

integrating jobss seam manually without seam-gen

Well, actually my question was:
  1. Which dependencies do I need?
  2. What configurations sould I make to for example web.xml or faces-context.xml

1. Which dependencies do I need?
It depends on which features are you going to have in your project. For example  for a just simple porject with seam and hibernate (for beam validation) just copy all dependecies found in jboss-seam-2.2.0.GA\examples\jpa project:
  • first build it using ant tomcat6
  • then deploy the created .war file to tomcat, and after it is exploded (LoL) look at /WEB-INF/lib directory to find dependencies.
Remember that seam.2.2.0.GA might need older versions than what you may find in projects web sites. For example it needed version 3.1.0.GA of hibernate-validator.jar and could not work with the last version.

2. What configurations sould I make to for example web.xml or faces-context.xml?

look here: http://docs.jboss.com/seam/latest/reference/en-US/html/configuration.html#d0e24011

and don't forget to put an empty seam.properties file at your package  root
otherwise you get continously errors on the console stating that hibernate cannot do something with transactions